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Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge Review

Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge

The Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge is a weight loss program designed specifically for women over the age of forty (sorry guys!). If you’re looking to get started on the keto diet but don’t know where to start, then this program is what you need.

One of the most important things you can have when trying to lose weight is a plan. Without a plan, then you are doomed to fail even before you have started. If you’ve ever tried losing weight before but didn’t manage to stick to it, then you probably didn’t have a plan. That’s what is so great about this particular program, you have a plan to guide you.

keto over 40

What Exactly Is The Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge?

The Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge is just that, it’s a challenge that shows you how to lose fat in a 28 day period. It shows you on a daily basis what you need to do, eat, and get your body in a state of ketosis. If you don’t know what ketosis is, it’s basically getting your body to burn stored fat, instead of using energy sources from the food you eat.

There is so much information packed into this program. The guidance and the support are amazing and you don’t feel alone during the challenge. The various sections of the program are easy to understand and follow. You’ll learn all about why the diet works so well, how it works, and then how to do it yourself.

What’s Inside The Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge

The challenge is broken down into several different sections. In each one, you’ll get the information you need, along with a worksheet so you can track your progress. You just need to follow each one through and check the things off as you go.

Here are some sections inside the program:

  • Keto Diet Explained

This section explains all you need to know about the keto diet. It’s written in an easy to understand manner and not complicated at all. It simply tells you why it’s an effective way to burn fat in a safe way, without putting your body at risk.

  • The Macros


Macros form a crucial part of the diet. You need to know what amounts of carbs, proteins, fats, and nutrients to consume on a daily basis. You do this by tracking the macros to make sure you eat the right percentage of each.

  • What Is Ketosis?

This section tells you what ketosis is and why you need to put your body in that state for the program to work.

  • How To Avoid The Flu

One side effect of a keto diet is called keto flu. It gives you flu-like symptoms, making you feel not quite like yourself. You’ll learn how to avoid this happening.

  • Fasting

This section gives you lots of important tips on how to do intermittent fasting. This is how you get your body into a ketosis state.

  • Meal Plans

This gives you example meal plans you can follow and there’s also a useful section on how to eat out without ruining your diet.

  • Bonuses

You also receive some great bonuses that include cookbooks and motivational information.

Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge Summary

If you are a woman over the age of 40, who is wanting to lose fat on a keto diet but don’t know how to start, then that’s what this program is all about. It is really well put together and simple to follow. You just need to begin the challenge and follow each step as it’s given to you.

It will show you why ketosis is a great way to remove that stubborn fat and how to get your body in that state. You’ll learn what foods to eat when you need to eat, and how to turn your body into a fat-burning furnace!

keto over 40

There’s also no guesswork on this weight loss program. All the food and meal plans are laid out for you. You simply need to follow the guidelines to the letter and enjoy the benefits of seeing your body change right before your eyes.

There’s a no quibble, 60-day money-back guarantee too. This means you can buy the program right now, do it for 28 days, and then if you feel it wasn’t for you then you can get back every single penny. But when you see the results you’ll get, this will be the last thing on your mind!

Final Thoughts

Keto diets are getting ever more popular. But they don’t work the same for every age group. Things need to be adapted to work with our bodies because they change over time. That’s why programs like the Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge have been created. If you’re a woman and over forty years of age, then plans like this are the ones you need to get long term results.

>>> Click here to visit the official website.

Thanks for reading this Keto Over Forty 28 Day Challenge review. We hope you get great success on the weight loss program and shift any stubborn fat that has been haunting you for years!