Home General Health How To Start Over In Life At 40 – 9 Priceless Tips

How To Start Over In Life At 40 – 9 Priceless Tips

How To Start Over In Life At 40

We have all heard the life clichés; in fact, most of us have lived every single one of them! Growing up, we all have wild dreams of what we are going to do and who we are going to be when we are big. We fantasize of adventure and living the high life, with tons of money, houses, cars, and overseas trips! For others, the high life might mean settling down with a family and enjoying the simpler things in life.

Either way, sometimes life throws that proverbial curveball and, one way or another, things don’t work out as planned, and our lives take a different direction to our well thought out and often very well planned path through life.

It is possible to start over in life at 40, and with our 9 priceless tips, you will get a head start on the rest of your life!

  1. Take a break
  2. Stop making excuses
  3. Focus on life
  4. Identify challenges
  5. Devise a plan
  6. Make mini-plans
  7. Set deadlines
  8. Make new habits and kick old ones
  9. Track your progress

The mid-life crises. Whether you believe in it or not, it does happen to many people during a certain stage in their life. A career change, a bad business decision, a difficult divorce, losing your home, all these events are challenges that face many people, especially during middle age.

Middle age, for some, is a challenging time. We start to realize that perhaps our dreams are not going to become a reality, or perhaps life has not turned out as we had dreamed. Is this a reason to curl up into a little ball in the middle of the floor and wallow in your depression? Of course not!

Life is for living, and just because it may not have turned out the way you expected, you still have a great life in front of you! Starting life over at 40 can and will happen! With a change in mindset and perhaps a different plan, anything is possible. 40 is a great age to start over!

Is It Too Late To Change My Life?

Wow! What a question! The simple answer is, absolutely not! The harder questions which need to be answered are why, what happened, and why are you here? Once you have taken a good hard look at your circumstances, whatever they may be, then it’s time to start planning and dreaming again.

The hardest to deal with is the loss of a dream. It is ok to mourn the loss. What happened to you may not have been because of something that you did but could well be something that happened that was out of your control. Perhaps life just happened while you weren’t looking! Let go of the past events, and the hurt, whatever that might be, and rebuild.

Choose to live well. A positive attitude really is the key to living a good life. Look for new opportunities and try new things. Dare to dream again! Your life may become richer and more rewarding than what you ever dreamed it could be.

There is no alternative. We are not designed to give up. That may seem like a harsh read, so let’s have a look at ways we can cope with starting over in life at 40 and perhaps some of the challenges that we may face along the way.

How To Start Over In Life At 40

Invest in a notebook or journal and a pen. Start writing and make notes of everything that you are thinking and dreaming of. Often, we have brilliant ideas that are soon forgotten because we have not recorded them. Sometimes it is easier to write your thoughts and ideas down in a book to refer to at a later stage – call it your dream journal!

Priceless Tips For Starting Over at 40

  1. Take a break, re-evaluate your life, and give yourself space – give yourself time to grieve, say your good-byes, and move on.
  2. Stop making excuses and don’t feel sorry for yourself – face the facts and accept what happened to you.
  3. Focus on your life and what you should be doing – decide what is right for you!
  4. Identify your challenges in life – what can you do and what can’t you do?
  5. Devise a plan and figure out what you want to do and where you want to go – this is the exciting bit – think big but be realistic!
  6. Make mini-plans – focus on the action and not the goal – a small list of things to do is often more achievable than your overall grand plan – tick each small achievement off the list as it happens and feel the satisfaction at the progress that you have made!
  7. Set deadlines, and stick to them – one task at a time, try not to overload your schedule, start with one or two achievable goals on your list of things to do.
  8. Start making new habits – get up on time and get into your new routine – we are creatures of habit and need routine after all, and with a bit of determination, you will surprise yourself, and even those around you, at how easily you can do this!
  9. Track your progress and reward yourself – a very important step! Don’t be too strict on yourself, see how you have managed this far, and re-evaluate your goals if necessary, then put your feet up and relax – a job well done!

How Do You Start Over With Nothing In Life?

How To Start Over In Life At 40

This is one of the more difficult life questions to answer, but I think your attitude determines the way forward. If your life has come crashing down in ways which you never thought were possible, and you have been left with nothing, emotionally and physically, then how do you pick yourself up and start again?

One day at a time. You will survive and, hopefully, thrive!

We all have our basic daily needs that must be met – shelter, food and water, clothing. Also a necessity these days is the internet and access to it, especially if you are looking for employment. Perhaps you have a family to take care of? To pay for all of these is quite daunting, with little to no income.

Find a cheaper home to rent, cut down on all nice to have expenses that are not necessary, stop take-away meals and date nights. You may have to cut down or cancel all your insurance cover, except the basic cover for medical. It can be done! You will be greatly surprised at how good it feels and how easy it is to take control of what is important and then to cut out what is not necessary.

Don’t give in to your emotions. You will feel depressed, embarrassed, and even ashamed, especially if you must move to a new house. Instead of hiding your situation from friends and family, tell them what has happened and allow them to help you. There will always be someone who will laugh and snigger at your situation, but generally, people, especially the people in your life who count the most, are willing to help where they can. Accept the help when it is offered.

This is only a season in your life; it will get better! Your attitude will get you through.

How Can I Rebuild My Life At 40?

40 is the new 30, they say. For most people, a big challenge is finding a new career – one that you are passionate about. Many people have drifted into the career that they are currently in and are not enjoying their job and have difficulty in balancing work and family life.

You might be in a new stage of your life; your children might not need you as much or might have left home and don’t need you at all! What to do with your newfound freedom?

Often, after years of being overworked and stressed, suddenly you wake up one morning and decide to make changes in your life. Change is very often overwhelming, and you may not even know how to take the next step! Breathe, focus, and decide what is important to you.

If you have decided to make some changes for the better, then let’s look at how to start implementing them and living your new and exciting life!

  1. Speak to your family and the people around you, seek counsel from people you trust. Often the people around you can see what your strengths are, better than what you can!
  2. Wake up earlier and start exercising – go for a walk, a swim, join a club with like-minded people, clear your head.
  3. Make changes at work – take your vacation days and travel
  4. Clear out clutter – enjoy what you like and learn to say no to what you don’t.
  5. Take control of your finances!
  6. Track your progress and celebrate mini victories!
  7. Let your dreams evolve!


It is possible to start over in life after 40. No matter what happened to get you to this point in life, you still have so much to offer because of your experience and what you have learned on your journey. A fresh new start is just around the corner. You can take back the reins of control of your life and live the life you want, even if life is uncertain.

Turning 40 is an awesome time in your life and does not have to be daunting. Dream big, and don’t be afraid of success!

Have fun, do something new and enjoy your life with a new positive outlook.